Can not believe how fast time past!! Eight years ago today I and Henrik married, and in my stomach there was a little baby growing.
I was thinking about putting some old photos up here but unfortunately they are in Sweden (or maybe not so unfortunately).
Today I have a lazy day, again!! I think I'm having problem adjusting to the heat, because I more or less have a headache every day now. I'm drinking lots of water but I exercise a lot so maybe I have to buy something that is better then just water??
At the moment we have 13 guinea pigs, quite normal I suppose?????????? Not, but in a few weeks Henrik and the children are doing something about it. I have giving them several tip, pet store, dubizzle (something like blocket in Sweden). And the ones that are left, if a boy are to be taken to a vet. We'll see what happens?
Enja has been booked at Pashpows the three weeks we are all in Sweden this summer. I will take her to the vet. this week to have her vaccinated.
See you
Grattis på bröllopsdagen!!!! Ja tänk vad tiden flyger iväg.. Kram Jessica
SvaraRaderaGratulerar på bröllopsdagen!! Saknar er alla & ser fram emot att se er på mossen snart. Kram från ett inte fullt så hett Lund med karnevalsbaksmälla (stan alltså, inte jag)
SvaraRaderaTack så myckey båda två, längtar tills vi ses. Men Magdalena vi ses ju snart, är hemma på mossen om 15 dagar.