Welcome to our blogg.

We thought this would be a nice way to keep our friends and family updated about what we are up to! And for us to have some kind of diary, to save for the future when we move back home to Sweden. We choose to write in English so all our friend could read it=) (and it's also good practice for me)

About us

We are a family of four, and one dog and six guinea pigs (and one cat that lives in Blentarp, Sweden) We moved to Dubai a year ago, Henrik is working here and Ingela is a housewife and both children are in school. Victoria is 7 years old and Cornelia is 5 years old. They are in grade 1 and 2. When they started school here, Victoria just started school in Sweden and didn't speak any English and Cornelia where still in kindergarten in Sweden and didn't speak any English either. Now a year later they speak English and writes and read English as well. They also learn Arabic in school. After some difficulties it seams like they enjoy school and our life here, and that feels very good. If they like it here it's easier for us to also relax and enjoy our stay here in Dubai. And now we have one more member of our family, a streetcat named Stripy, Findus, Nisse, Tiger and Findus=), and also one more guinea pig has died, so 5 guinea pigs left.

onsdag 14 april 2010

Busy busy

I hardly have time to write here I notice. It's a full time job to take care of everything now when Henrik is in his wheelchair.

This Saturday me and Enja started a obedience course here in Meadows 9. There where us and Jenny and Yellow, Kaise and her Beagle (I don't remember the name) and 3 other dogs. After the training session we let the dogs play in Johanna (the trainer) garden and Enja just loved it.

On Sunday morning I left the girls in school and then Enja and I drove outside Meadows 9 for a walk in the dessert (or construction site dessert) with some of the dogs from the course, very nice and Enja got realy tired.

Monday morning I filled in for Melissa at school, reading with the children. That was interesting, I noticed then that despite Cornelia hasn't learned English for so long ( only a year) she is more or less as good as the other children. Cornelia was sick that day, both she and Victoria has cough and a bad cold. But now they are in school again.
Melissa was going to a school in Sharja, she and Cate has been to Nepal and done some charity work there on a school for a project that Cate is very much involved with (www.childrenofthemountain.com), and this school in Sharja had donated some computers and 13 boys from that school was also traveling to Nepal with them.

Tomorrow Cornelia is dressing up like a clown for school, will take a photo and put it here.

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